Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Summer Volunteers

Parents --

We need your help. We would like to give our regular volunteers a summer break. If you would like to find out how you can help, please watch this video.

Monday, April 27, 2009

This Past Week in KidQuest and FirstLook


When you stand for what’s right, you can know God is with you. That’s a good thing—a great thing, actually—but the truth is, we often want more. (Or “less,” in a sense.) We want ease, an instant reward for our efforts, for people to like us, or to make everyone happy. We certainly don’t want to pay dearly for our convictions—not like Stephen did. Come on; who does? We don’t, and kids don’t either.

So how can we ask these kids we teach to stand up when we know the cost can be great? The fact is, in elementary school, standing up for what is right probably looks more like telling an adult the truth when others are telling them to lie, or standing up for a friend who’s being made fun of. These early attempts at standing for what is right are important to who these kids will be in the future.

Conviction is standing for what is right even when others don’t.

God is the source of our convictions and the one who sustains us when we are striving to stand for them.

God wants us to stand for what is right because when we do, good is done (despite the bad that may happen in the interim), regardless of whether we see it.

When those around us watch us readily standing for what is right because we know God is with us, change WILL happen.

When you stand for what’s right, you can know God is with you. That’s no consolation prize; that’s hitting the jackpot!


Jesus told His disciple to "Go! -- Go and make disciples of men," and He wants us to do this too. There is nothing more exciting than sharign our friend Jesus. Give your preschooler some crayons and paper and have him or her draw two people they would like to tell about their friend Jesus. Or they can make a card for them to tell them about Jesus. Share these cards with friends over the coming week. It may even lead you into a coversaition that will help you tell your co-workers about Jesus.

Be sure to pray with your preschooler asking for help telling others about Jesus.

May Virtue

Here is the video for the May virtue of Obedience.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Review

It has taken me 4 days to get caught up with a regular week after Easter Sunday. Finally all our left over supplies are put away, extra check-in computers are back in the closet and my body is not tired anymore.

With all of that done, I thought I would review you on how our Easter Services went across the KidQuest spectrum.


Leading into the weekend we had some volunteer who were not going to be able to serve. That made things stressful. However our volunteers came through and filled the empty holes and were able to provide our precious little ones with an amazing time to learn about how Jesus rose from the dead.

After it was all said and done, we had extra volunteers which made things very easy on our team and our children. Thank you to all who worked in the nursery this weekend!

FirstLook (Preschool)

We have working very hard to try and get some of you parents to make the switch to the first service so we could even out our numbers a little better. I think having the 9:30 service did that perfectly this weekend. With more even numbers we were better able to help our kids learn about their loving heavenly father.

If you are a parent of a preschooler, ask your child about the three parts of the Easter story and look at the following Small Talk card for more info about the specifics to what your child learned.

KidQuest (Elementary)

Once again the 9:30 and 11:00 service times for KidQuest created an almost equal spllit in the numbers of kids we had.

Our KidQuest large group time looked a little different than normal this week. Instead of worshiping through song and then listening to the lesson, we mixed the two together. Sometimes music can tell the stroy so much better than a teacher can.

We were able to look at how devastated the followers of Jesus must have been when he died ("Even When"), how happy there day must have been when he rose from the grave ("Happy Day"), how the people must have reacted as they began to believe that Jesus was the son of God ("I Believe") and that we have a reason to celebrate because we have been given a gift that allows us to spend eternity in heaven with God ("Celebrate Medley").

Check out the Fridge Door Card for more info.

All in all it was a great weekend to share the message of Christ with over 120 kids!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Sunday!!!

The fact that Jesus is alive is good news! It’s really, really good news! Today, of all days, are you giddy with the thought of it? Is it bubbling from your soul to the extent that you can hardly contain yourself?

THAT’S what Easter is all about: A new kind of life we can have because the greatest Man who ever walked this earth stood in our place, taking the punishment for our sin, to give us life more abundant and free (John 10:10)!

Conviction is standing for what is right even when others don’t—just like Jesus did.

He is the ultimate example of conviction.

He wants us to stand for what’s right. In fact, we can stand for what is right because He is alive!

Why? Because God wants all of us to know Him and join Him in heaven. He wants us to blaze a trail for others that leads to Jesus. So today let it all hang out. Let your kids see you worshipping—really worshipping.

He’s alive!

Monday, April 6, 2009

April Virtue Video -- Conviction

This is the video that helps explain what we will be talking about for the whole month of April.