Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Challegene is ON!!!

We are having The Challenge tonight despite all the snow on the ground!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

VBS Planning Meeting

If you are interested in helping plan VBS 2009 -- Studio Go, we have a meeting on February 15 right after church.


SuperStart is a conference just for your PreTeen student.

We will be attending the SuperStart conference on March 6 and 7 in Bloomington, IL.

The deadline for pre-registration is February 8. There is a $15 deposit due at pre-registration. The total cost will be $75.

For more information about the SuperStart conference, please visit

Monday, January 26, 2009

FirstLook -- February

A warm fire and a good book are treasures this time of year. As the temperatures drop, we want to snuggle in close with those we love and who love us. What better stories to share with them than those found in the Bible?

In February, the First Look curriculum is teaching stories that Jesus told in order for us to know how much God loves us.

The Bible says in Luke 10:22: "The Son wants to tell others about the Father" (CEV), and He tells such amazing stories to let us know we are special. From the lost sheep to the prodigal son, Jesus lets us know how important we are to the Father.

KidQuest -- February -- Fairness

Basically, a virtue is something God does in us to change the world around us. As you read the next paragraph, you’ll notice some numbers. Here’s what they refer to: (1) the virtue definition. (2) The fact that God created that virtue and exemplifies it. (3) God instills that virtue in us as He shapes us to become more like Him. (4) God uses that virtue in us to influence and impact our families, friends, and neighbors. As others notice the virtue being lived out in our lives, we have more opportunities to tell them about Jesus. As they come to trust Jesus, they’ll influence others as well. See the cycle?

“That’s not fair!” What kid has never put his hands on his hips and cried those words? Most children have built-in radar set to detect when they are being treated unfairly. This month let’s focus on helping them make that radar work the other direction too and learn that (1) fairness is making sure that EVERYONE is treated respectfully. (2) Just think how fair God is. He made each one of us, and although He doesn’t treat us all the same (because we have different needs), He values us equally. He loves each of us dearly, regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, or nationality, and offers His love and salvation to all. All of us come to Him in the same way—through Jesus. Because God treats all of us this way, He is the ultimate example of fairness. (3) As believers, He commands us to treat others with the fairness we desire for ourselves. (4) Imagine the problems that would disappear immediately in a world where everyone was treated with fairness! This month, challenge your kids to set their fairness radar in the direction of others and treat them fairly—because everyone’s important to God.

New KidQuest Blog

Hello friends of WCC and KidQuest.

I have created this blog to help keep you up to date with some of the events going on in the children's ministry of Wentzville Christian Church.

Keep checking back for regular updates and news about what is happening and what you child is learning about in the different areas of KidQuest.